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Thanksgiving History Timeline

We celebrate Thanksgiving in part to show our thanks for everything that we have, but also as a tribute to the pilgrims who came here from Europe. · Oct 7, 2021 (written 2005)

About This Timeline

This timeline combines the content from other articles on into an easy to follow sequential format. It is not intended to introduce new information but to display it in a new way. The bits of information that were combined to create this timeline include the following:

As we add new content to, we will also update this timeline with new and interesting bits of trivia and place them into the proper place in the timeline.

  • 1621

    Plymouth Rock

    The history of Thanksgiving in the United States begins with the pilgrims who came over from England and landed on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1621. The pilgrims shared a feast in the fall time, probably October, of that year with the Wampanoag Indians.

  • 1817

    New York: First State to Adopt Thanksgiving

    In 1817, New York was the first state to adopt Thanksgiving as an official holiday.

  • 1863

    President Abraham Lincoln

    In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared a national day of Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November.

  • 1941

    Thanksgiving Becomes a Federal Holiday

    In 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt declared that the Thanksgiving would be on the third Thursday in November. Congress approved that declaration two year later in 1941.